Invasive Species Workshop – 24th July 2019

Ever wondered what might be lurking in a watercourse near you? Ever wondered what you might wish wasn’t, if only you knew? Now’s your chance to find out!

Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust, the well known and much respected environmental trust seeking to preserve and improve the rivers and streams of the Yorkshire Dales, is running a workshop on invasive species at Scarcroft Village Hall at 10:00am on Wednesday 24th July 2019, which you are very welcome to attend. Refreshments will be provided.

After the workshop why not take out all your frustrations on the Himalayan Balsam in Bardsey Beck? YDRT have organised a working group to engage this particularly invasive and destructive species in hand to root combat. All are welcome to participate!

For further information click on the link below.

Invasive Species Workshop 24th July 2019

Roll Up, Roll Up, for Bardsey School!

Bardsey and Collingham Schools’ new fund raiser promises to be entertaining for all the family! They have organised a pop up circus no less, which takes place in Collingham on Saturday 13th July. There are still some tickets available for the 1:00pm show, so why not join in all the fun of the circus and go along. To see details and find out where to purchase tickets, just click on the link below.

July Meeting of Bardsey Parish Council

Please note that the next meeting of Bardsey Parish Council will take place in the Village Hall Committee Room at 7:00pm on Wednesday 3rd July 2019. Please disregard the entry in the July issue of Village News, which contains a misprint and states the correct date, but the wrong day.

Bardsey Parish Walks

These take place once a year in order to explore the boundaries of our Parish and ensure that the footpaths are well used.

The first walk covering the west side of the Village will commence at 2pm on Saturday 22nd June

The Second walk covering the east side will begin at 2pm on Saturday 6th July.

Please meet at the bottom of Mill Lane for both walks which will be led by Councillor Linda Flockton

Do come along and join us and make new friends on a pleasant walk, which should take approximately 2 hours. Boots or strong shoes are recommended. Children and dogs are welcome. However, the walks are not suitable for pushchairs.

Bardsey Horticultural Society

Plant Sale Saturday 18th May

A very big thank you to all who donated plants and/or came along to the plant sale on Saturday 18 May, and made it such a success. Thanks to you all the range and quality of plants for sale was impressive.

Annual Show Saturday 7th September 2019

And now for another important date to enter in your diary: Saturday 7th September 2019.  Yes it’s the Annual Show at Bardsey Village Hall, commencing at 2:00pm. Time to start practicing your Victoria Sponge and bread making skills! A chance to take part in this traditional village event with many categories of fruit, veg, handicrafts and baking to enter. Schedules will be available shortly at local retailers, Setchfield Butchers, Bingley Arms and Collingham Post office, or call 01937 573562. Digital versions will also be available.

Don’t delay – it will be here before we know it!

Wetherby in Support of the Elderly – WiSE – Registered Charity No: 1163698 CIO (Foundation)

Bardsey residents may be interested to know more about a registered charitable organisation in Wetherby which offers a varied programme of social activities, contacts and advice for older people in the locality. If you are interested, do click on the link below to see WiSE’s comprehensive 8 page June newsletter, which contains a wealth of information. Alternatively visit the web site at or call 01937 588994.


Tennis and Bowls Clubs – Open Day Saturday 29th June 2019

On Saturday 29th June 2019 Bardsey Bowling Club and Bardsey Tennis Club will be hosting a joint open day from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Now’s your chance to try either or both sports free of charge, and find out what both these friendly and welcoming village clubs have to offer. For full details click on the link below. Not to be missed!

Any Old Photos?

The Parish Council continues to compile an archive of images charting the history of the village from way back when to the present day, a selection of which can already be found on this web site. (Go to the green box at the top left hand corner of the page, click on ‘About Bardsey cum Rigton’ and then on ‘Bardsey Historical Images’).  If you have any images of the village or village life which you would like to share with the community, they would be much appreciated. Email us at We look forward to hearing from you.

Telephone Books – 2019 style!

You may have noticed that the telephone box on Church Lane is looking very smart these days in a new coat of bright red paint! That’s not all that’s new though. Supported by the Parish Council the WI has transformed this much loved but redundant structure into a local book exchange, and following its refurbishment it is now stocked and established in its new role. So please do drop by and find out what delights this new feature of our village has to offer.

Police CCTV Scheme Reminder

A short reminder that our local police are working hard to establish a network of volunteer home owners in Bardsey with CCTV on their properties, to help them gather evidence and fight crime. Membership of the scheme will remain anonymous, and members’ identities will be known only to the Police. In the event that a crime is committed, members in the immediate vicinity will be asked by the Police to review their CCTV footage near the time, and share any information it reveals, in the hope that together with other intelligence it will help solve the crime and bring the criminals to justice. Residents with CCTV willing to join the scheme should contact PCSO Geoffrey Nottingham by email, the email address being