Bardsey Horticultural Society Plant Sale, 10am on Saturday 18th May 2018 at Bardsey Village Hall

Don’t miss it!

Spring has sprung, and the Bardsey Horticultural Society annual plant sale returns with it’s amazing selection of quality, locally grown plants and at fantastic prices. There’s a wide variety of vegetable plants, annuals, perennials, shrubs and house plants all well grown and perfect for your plot.

If you are already sowing seeds and potting on, or taking cuttings and find you have a few too many for your own use, we would be very grateful for any donations to the plant sale.

Doors open at 10am prompt on Saturday 18th May and the plants sell out quickly so get there early to grab the best bargains and avoid disappointment!

Fit n Fun 2019

It’s the return of our FREE community group encouraging locals to join others on a 3km walk or 5km jog through our stunning countryside.
Created FOR local people, run by Hayley Dodsworth and her family, since 2011.
If you want to know more, or are unsure that it’s the group for you, click on the link below.

We also have a website on or Facebook: FITNFUN and would love to hear from you.


Annual Parish Meeting – 8pm Thursday 25th April at Bardsey Village Hall

The Annual Parish Meeting gives residents the opportunity to receive an update on the past year’s activities direct from Parish Councillors, to ask questions and put forward your views. Subjects covered will include Planning, Highways, Bardsey Sports Club, the Playground, Park Field etc.

Oh, and don’t miss out on a free glass of wine and a chin wag with neighbours either!

See you there!

Bardsey Horticultural Society Plant Sale – Appeal for Plant Donations

Bardsey Horticultural Society will be holding its annual plant sale at Bardsey Village Hall on Saturday 18th May at 10am. Please bring any plant donations along to the sale before 10am on the day, and maybe even buy one or two new ones for your garden!

We would very much welcome all donations of plants to ensure the sale has a good selection on offer. So if you are sowing any seeds, or splitting any plants in the garden in the next few weeks, please bear us in mind and sow a few extra for the sale! Flower and vegetable plants, shrubs and indoor plants would all be happily received.

Bardsey Horticultural Society Talk ‘All About Snowdrops’ – Friday 5th April 2019, 7:45pm, Bardsey Village Hall

To conclude our season of fascinating horticultural talks we are welcoming Anne Wright who will be talking to us “All about Snowdrops”. After a spectacular display this year of this little herald of spring we are looking forward to hearing all about one of Britain’s favourite flowers. Come along to Bardsey Village Hall at 7.45pm, all members and non members welcome.

Man’s Best Friends?

It seems not all our residents would agree!

The Parish Council is concerned at the number of recent complaints from villagers about dog waste being left on footpaths and adjacent grass verges. In addition, plastic bags containing dog waste are frequently being left hanging on hedges, or on trees, or are being thrown over hedges and fences into fields.

The Parish Council knows that the majority of dog owners are responsible villagers, who care for their canine companions and do their best to respect the environment and the wellbeing of their fellow residents.

The few that would appear less concerned  are reminded to bear in mind that they are spoiling the enjoyment of the footpaths and greenspaces in our village for residents and other dog owners alike.  They are requested to act responsibly, and to collect their dog’s waste and dispose of it in the bins provided, or in their own waste bins.

Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust: Tree Planting Event Sunday 3rd February 2019

The Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust (YDRT) is a registered charity that works towards improving river environments and provides opportunities for people to learn and enjoy rivers.

Volunteers have always been an essential component of the Trust, assisting with practical conservation work, monitoring and events. YDHT is reaching out for community volunteers on 3rd February to help plant trees in our locality, to help alleviate local flood risks. By taking part you will not only help local villages, but also have the opportunity to learn much about flood prevention measures and local initiatives.

Interested? Click on the link below for further information and links to YDHT social media pages. Contact Dr Marie J Taylor, Project Officer, by email or phone at the addresses provided

Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust.

Bardsey cum Rigton Parish Council Privacy Notice

Further to the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018, the Parish Council has recently published its Privacy Notice on this web site. This may be accessed from the darker green index box on the top left hand side of the home page. Click on ‘About Bardsey cum Rigton’. From the drop down menus select ‘Bardsey Parish Council’, and then ‘Privacy’. This will take you to the Council’s Privacy Statement, from which the full Privacy Notice, including contact details, can be accessed if required.

Fighting Crime – New Outer North East Neighbourhood Watch Association

Some residents are aware that an Outer North East Neighbourhood Watch Association (ONE-NHW) has been set up for Leeds City Council’s Outer North East Policing Area.

The new organisation still needs more local Coordinators and is currently appealing to local residents to put themselves forward to join the register. The attached letter explains in more detail.

If you are motivated to join the fight against crime in Bardsey please click on the link below and get in touch with Maureen Brewer. Public meetings are planned in March and April.

Your village needs you!

Local NHW 2018 December request