Parish Council Meeting January 2019 – Change of Date

Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances the Parish Council meeting due to be held on Wednesday 9th January 2018 (as announced in Village News) will now take place on Thursday 10th January instead. The meeting will start at 7:00pm in the Committee Room at the Village Hall.

The Parish Council would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Police Initiative in Bardsey

Amongst other measures to tackle crime in the area, our local police are working hard to establish a network of volunteer home owners in Bardsey with CCTV on their properties, to help them fight crime in the area. The objective is to help the Police identify perpetrators of crimes committed in the locality, vehicles used, modus opperandi of criminals etc. – a model which has already proved successful in other local communities.

Membership of the scheme will remain anonymous, and members’ identities will be known only to the Police. In the event that a crime is committed, members in the immediate vicinity will be asked by the Police to review their CCTV footage near the time, and share any information it reveals with the Police, in the hope that together with other intelligence it will help solve the crime and bring the criminals to justice.

Residents with cctv willing to join the scheme should contact PCSO Geoffrey Nottingham using email, the email address being  

Remedial Action – Land off Keswick Lane, Bardsey (Planning refusal no. 17/03770 for 5 houses)

Many residents were greatly angered by the unauthorised felling of mature trees on the proposed development site lying between Lindon Close and Keswick Lane. Planning permission for the development was refused by Leeds City Council in January 2018, since when the Parish Council and others have made representations concerning the state of the site and the loss of the trees. For information the Forestry Commission has issued a notice requiring the owner to restock the site with 45 conifer species along the boundary of the site and adjoining the rear of six houses on Keswick Lane and four houses on Bankfield. The restocking must be completed by 30th June 2019.

The Parish Council has written to residents adjoining the site requesting confirmation when the restocking takes place, and will make further representations as necessary. A copy of that letter may be viewed using the following link: Dec 2018 Keswick Lane Site Letter to residents

Bardsey Horticultural Society Talk ‘Flowers and Bees, The Perfect Partnership’ – Friday 2nd November 2018 at 7:45pm, Callister Hall

Bardsey Horticultural Society is continuing it’s fascinating series of autumn and winter talks on Friday 2nd November 2018 at 7.45pm in the Callister Hall, Bardsey.

David Coop will talk on the subject of Flowers and bees, the perfect partnership.

Do come along and find out more about this fascinating and topical subject.

All are welcome.

Bardsey Horticultural Society Talk – “Burnby Gardens, past, present and future”

Bardsey Horticultural Society cordially invites you to its first talk of the new season entitled “Burnby Gardens, Past, Present and Future” on Friday 5th October at 7.45pm in the Callister Hall, Bardsey.

This event kicks off the start of the new season of talks and was previously postponed from last season. It will be given by Rachel Mort, Learning and Participation Officer at Burnby Hall Gardens.

All are welcome

Parish Walks

Parish Walks take place once a year in order to explore the Parish Boundaries and ensure the footpaths are well used.
The second Parish Walk of 2018 will take place at 2:00pm on Saturday 14th July, and is being led by Cllr Linda Flockton. It will take approximately 2 hours. Boots or strong shoes are recommended. Children and dogs are welcome, however the walks are not suitable for pushchairs.
Do come along and join us to meet some of your Parish Councillors and make new friends on a pleasant walk.
Meet at the bottom of Mill Lane at 2pm on Saturday 14th July

Making for Greener Grass at Bardsey Sports Club

Thanks to the exceptional generosity of a long-term supporter, the Sports Club has recently  been able to replace its ailing tractor drawn mower. The Sports Club would like to express its warm appreciation for this substantial donation, and to all those who have given their support to the Club.

The Club is now looking to raise funds to do justice to the new mower, by replacing its ageing tractor! All contributions would be most gratefully received!

Bardsey Bowling Club Father’s Day Special!

Stuck for a Gift Idea For Father’s Day? Dad already has everything you can think of? Looking for something different?

Bardsey Bowling Club’s Father’s Day Introductory Offer could be just the ticket. Introductory membership is being offered at just £10 for 7 sessions, with all equipment and tuition included.

Bowling is an ideal fun activity for all ages, is good exercise, and can be a very addictive!

To buy this membership or to find out more, contact Andy on Go on, give it a go – Dad will love it!

Bardsey Horticultural Society Annual Show: Saturday 1st September 2018, 2:00PM

Bardsey Horticultural Society will be holding its Annual Show on Saturday 1st September at Bardsey Village Hall and Callister Hall starting at 2pm.

All are welcome to enter the many classes including fruit, vegetables, flower arranging, preserves, baking, photography, handicrafts and much more. There are two age ranges of children’s classes, including a handwriting competition and a variety of arts and crafts to fill those long summer holiday days beforehand! See the show schedule for details.

There are prizes and trophies to be won, stalls and raffles and a great afternoon out for the whole family. Details of all the classes are listed in the show schedules, with entry forms available during August from local retailers, committee members or by calling 01937 573562 . Entry forms to be returned to a committee member, or at the latest to Bardsey Village Hall on Thursday 31st August between 6pm and 8pm.

So do come along and support this great local village tradition and enjoy a great family day out!

Bid for a new Public Right of Way

In accordance with the wishes of the community, included in the Bardsey Neighbourhood Plan, Bardsey Parish Council is currently working with Leeds City Council towards designating the route of the old railway line between the A58 opposite Church Lane and Thorner Lane in Scarcroft as a new Public Right of Way.

The route has been used by the public for many years, but to establish eligibility LCC needs to accumulate formal evidence to that effect. A minimum number of submissions from individual users is required before the Parish Council’s application can be progressed. Every response counts – a few more are still required before the minimum target is reached, but the more LCC receives the better the chances of success.

Your participation will help secure public access to this route long term, which would be of great benefit to all.

If you have used this route as a footpath, cycleway or on horseback and would like to support this initiative, please click on the link below for a map of the route in question, an official evidence form and notes on completing it. Forms should be completed by individual users, and submitted either in hard copy to the Parish Office at Callister Hall, or as scanned electronic documents (preferably in pdf format) by email to: The Parish Council will submit them to LCC on your behalf, in support of its formal application.

Your contribution would be very much appreciated.

LCC Rights of way evidence form – old railway line.