Worrying About Money Leaflet

The Leeds ‘Worrying About Money?’ leaflet is a simple resource for people facing money worries and financial crises – and those supporting them – to quickly see which agencies are best placed to help.

The leaflet was co-produced by local partners including the Leeds Food Aid Network with the Independent Food Aid Network.

Bardsey Parish Walks

These take place in order to explore the boundaries of our Parish and ensure that the footpaths are well used.

The first Parish Walk on the east side of the Village will begin at 2pm on Saturday 9th July 2022.

The second Parish Walk on the west side of the Village will begin at 2pm on Saturday 16th July 2022.

Do come along and join us and meet some of your Parish Councillors and make new friends on a pleasant walk, which should take approximately 2 hours.

Boots or strong shoes are recommended and dogs are welcome.

Please meet at the bottom of Mill Lane at 2pm for both walks which will be led by Cllr Linda Flockton.

Vacancy for a Councillor

Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Sidle, a vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish Council of Bardsey.

The vacancy will be filled by election if any ten local government electors for the said area submit a written request to that effect in the manner prescribed below and if no such request is made the vacancy will be filled by the Parish Council.

Any request for an election to be held to fill the vacancy must be in writing and must reach the Returning Officer, Leeds City Council, Electoral Services, Civic Hall, Calverley Street, Leeds LS1 1UR by no later than 24th May 2022.

Dated: 4th May 2022

Rebecca Crabtree


Bardsey Parish Council

Platinum Jubilee Fun Scarecrow Competition

Scarecrows will again be invading our Village for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend from Wednesday 1st June onwards

Now is the time to start thinking about creating your Scarecrow and please join our fun Scarecrow Competition. Results will be announced at the Sports Club Fun Day on Friday 3rd June 2022.

Choose any theme you like, a Queen’s Jubilee theme or any character real or imaginary.

Please contact us for free entry forms and further information or download a copy below:-

Linda Flockton 01937 574553 Brenda Sanderson 01937 573352 or Pauline Hills 07535692366

Annual Parish Meeting 7:30pm Wednesday 20th April 2022 Bardsey Village Hall

For the first time since 2019 Bardsey Parish Council is delighted this year to be able to hold a normal Annual Parish Meeting at the Village Hall, which may be freely attended by all residents of the Parish.

We are keen to welcome as many of you as possible to the meeting, so that we can bring you up to date with events and current priorities, but more importantly we can listen to your views, concerns and aspirations for our village in future. Not to mention share the customary glass of wine of course – not something which a virtual meeting can really offer!

For a copy of the calling notice please click on the following link : https://bardseyvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/APM-Calling-Notice-2022.pdf

The agenda will be posted on the village notice boards, and also here on the web site. Return to the home page and click on the ‘Council Proceedings’ heading in the green menu at top left of the screen.

We look forward to seeing you.