External Home Lighting

The Parish Council is receiving an increasing number of complaints from residents concerning obtrusive outdoor lighting installed on neighbouring properties. Complainants draw attention to the negative impact of such lights, including disturbed sleep patterns, reduced privacy, and impairment of the opportunity to simply enjoy the night sky. They remind the Council regularly that Bardsey is by majority preference and policy a dark village.

The dark village policy was formulated before the advent of today’s very affordable super bright LED external lights, so at the time primarily concerned street lighting. It is privately installed lighting which is now becoming increasingly obtrusive however, giving rise to complaint, and becoming more and more problematic.

The Parish Council accepts that LED security and external lights can be an effective aid to both security and safety, especially during the dark winter months. Residents are asked to be mindful of the majority wish, however, and to exercise consideration when installing and using them.

For example, lighting should be sited so as not to directly illuminate a neighbour’s bedroom windows or garden, and should not be permanently on. When not specifically required they should be switched off. Ideally, they should be of the type controlled by PIR sensors and timers to provide automatic temporary illumination only when needed.

Best of all please talk to neighbours before installing such lighting, and aim to agree a mutually acceptable plan.

Thank you for your consideration.

Bardsey Parish Council

Leedsfest 2021: Traffic Management Plan and Maps

Leeds Festival takes place over the forthcoming Bank Holiday weekend, and with the arrangements now finalised Leeds City Council have released details of the traffic management schemes to be implemented.

Bardsey is not affected as directly as some of our neighbouring villages, but is likely to experience some indirect effects in terms of increased traffic on the A58 at certain times.

Due to closure of the A64 eastbound between the Seacroft roundabout and the A1M, northbound traffic will be diverted via the A58 and Collingham between 04:00am on Wednesday 25th August and the evening of Thursday 26th August. This is to provide for the establishment of pick up and drop off (PUDO) points on the A64.

During Friday, Saturday and Sunday the A64 closure will be removed, but traffic to the PUDOs will be routed from the A1M via the A58 to the A64.

To view the relevant Leeds Festival route maps please click on the following links:

All strategic route maps: https://bardseyvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/All-Strategic-Route-Maps-2021.pdf

PUDO Diversion route: https://bardseyvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/A64-Diversion-Route-During-A64-Closure.pdf

Gate Map: https://bardseyvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Leedsfest-2021-Gate-Map.pdf

We wish all those attending the Festival good weather and an enjoyable experience.

Job Vacancy – Bardsey Parish Council

After many years sterling service to the Council and the Community our Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, Mrs June Gallant, will be retiring in the near future. We wish her a happy and very well deserved retirement.

A vacancy has therefore arisen for the position of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to Bardsey cum Rigton Parish Council.

The job involves home based part time work and attendance of Council meetings. For full details of the position and how to apply please click on the link below.


Applications are invited from suitable candidates, the closing date for which is 31st August 2021.

Bardsey Parish Council is an equal opportunities employer.

Bardsey Parish Walk 7th August 2021

We are delighted to report that following the relaxation of Covid 19 rules Bardsey Parish Walks have been reinstated this month.

The first walk covering the east side of the Village will commence at 2pm on Saturday 7th August 2021.

Please meet at the bottom of Mill Lane for this first walk, which will be led by Cllr Linda Flockton.

Do come along and join us and make new friends on a pleasant walk, which should take approximately 2 hours. Boots or strong shoes are recommended. Children and dogs are welcome. However, the walks are not suitable for pushchairs.

Want to be in the Doghouse?

No not an invitation to make yourself unpopular, but an invitation to rescue a four legged friend in need and be on a TV show. Yes really!

TV production company Five Mile Films is making a new series of the popular Channel 4 programme, The Dog House. They are searching anew for people who want to offer a loving home to a rescue dog, and wondered if you might be able to help.

The search is on for people who would be up for sharing their various reasons for rehoming a rescue dog.

If you are keen to participate, have further questions or would like to chat this through in any more detail, email Abbey Kaye at: <AbbeyKaye@fivemilefilms.co.uk> or alternatively visit the web site at: http://www.channel4.com/4viewers/takepart/the-dog-house

Highway Maintenance – Church Lane Closure

Please note that Church Lane is due to receive essential maintenance in the form of new surface dressing during the course of Thursday and Friday 8th and 9th July 2021.

As a result the road is due to be closed near the junction with the A58, and it will be necessary to use alternative routes, principally via Keswick Lane, to access parts of the village to the west of the closure.

Bardsey Parish Council Meeting

Please note that the next meeting of Bardsey cum Rigton Parish Council will take place at 7:00pm on Wednesday 30th June 2021. An agenda is posted on the Council Proceedings page of this web site.

In line with revised regulations governing the holding of Council meetings in England, this and future meetings must be held in person.

The meeting will therefore take place in Bardsey Village Hall, and will be the first face-to-face meeting since February 2020.

Since social distancing rules remain in place until at least 19th July, these must be observed at the meeting. Councillors and attending residents must therefore remain socially distanced, and face coverings must be worn until seated. Hand sanitiser will be provided and should be used on entry to the hall.

To facilitate Covid safe management of the meeting, would any residents intending to come to the meeting please advise their intentiion to the Clerk of the Council, Mrs June Gallant, at least 24 hours in advance. Email june.gallant21@gmail.com or call 01937 573365.

Latest from Kisdorf

During the difficult period we have all endured as a result of Covid 19 many of us must have spared thoughts for friends and colleagues in our twin town of Kisdorf. Keen to catch up with the latest news Cllr Geoffrey Tatman recently contacted the local Council in Kisdorf with news from Bardsey, and asked them to let us know how they are faring.

We quickly received a reply from Cllr Doris Möller. The best news of all is that not a single life has been lost in Kisdorf due to Covid. Many experiences of the pandemic have been similar to our own, and it has clearly brought out a strong community spirit very much as it has here in Bardsey.

To read the letter from Cllr Möller, click on the link below.


The Great Bardsey Clean Up!

You may well have noticed that the roads, verges and green spaces around our village have achieved an outstanding level of cleanliness in recent weeks. It is becoming increasingly difficult to spot a single piece of litter anywhere. Not so much as a sweet paper!

The Parish Council usually organises litter picks at this time of year, but this year a new team of local volunteers led by Bev Humphreys has turbocharged the process and achieved outstanding results. Thanks to them most of the roads and verges had already been completely cleared, and the Parish Council has been able to concentrate on high traffic zones and off-highway locations for which there is not always enough time.

Special thanks are due to Bev and all her volunteers, and to litter-picking Councillors, for making Bardsey an even more pleasant environment in which to live.

Let’s all try to keep it that way by taking litter home and disposing of it in the bin where it belongs!

His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

On Friday 9th April Buckingham Palace announced the passing of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle.

It is with great sadness that Bardsey Parish Council, on behalf of the community of Bardsey cum Rigton, joins the nation in mourning. The Parish Council offers its sincere condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and the whole Royal Family at this time of such irreplaceable loss.

His Royal Highness gave a lifetime of exemplary service to Queen, Family, Country and the International Community, and was involved with hundreds of charities and organisations representing a wide variety of good causes including our armed forces, wildlife and environmental conservation, and not least the outstanding Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme from which so many young people have benefitted.

The Royal Family has asked that people wishing to express their condolences do so as safely as possible, and suggest that rather than leaving floral tributes people may wish to donate to a charity of their choice or to one of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Patronages.  Further information is available on the Royal Website via the link below.

In the light of ongoing Covid 19 precautions and requests from the Palace, Bardsey Parish Council will not open a local book of condolences. Those wishing to express sympathy are encouraged to use the online book of condolences, which may also be accessed by clicking on the the following link:
