Urgent! Road Closure and Works – Wike Lane

Please take note that Leeds City Council have just advised the closure of Wike Lane tomorrow, Sunday 8th December 2019, between 08:30 and 17:00, to allow Northern Powergrid to establish a new connection to the electricity grid. The closure will be between the junction with Woodacre Lane and the Wellington public house. Eastbound traffic is advised to route via Woodacre Lane and Church Lane to the A58. Westbound traffic will need to take Keswick Lane onto the A58, and route via Church Lane and Woodacre Lane to rejoin Wike Lane to the west of the closure.

Road works and traffic control will continue on Wike Lane folllowing the closure, and further delays may be expected until Friday 13th December.

For further information please copy the following link into the search box in your browser: https://one.network/?tm=115676351

Urgent Call for Volunteer Hedge Planters – Saturday 30th November 2019!

As part of the Collingham Beck Natural Flood Management Scheme, Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust is to hold a hedge planting session in Hetchell Wood on Saturday 30th November, and they need your help! If you can spare some time to assist in the planting, which is designed to provide natural control of the flow of water in the catchment area and reduce flood risk, please click on the link below for full details and instructions as to how to join the team.

Collingham Beck NFM hedge planting day

Illegal fly-tipping in Willan’s Wood

It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that fly-tipping of garden waste has been occurring in Willan’s Wood. The area concerned is just over the wooden fence, on the Wood Lane side, just downhill from Spring Garth

It is probable that this anti-social behaviour is being carried out by a resident living nearby. Please note that brown bins are readily available from the Refuse Waste Management Service of Leeds City Council by calling 0113 2224406.

For the benefit of the whole community would those responsible for this anti-social behaviour please desist from tipping their garden waste into what is an environmental asset owned by the Parish Council on behalf of the Village?

Bardsey Parish Council.

Parish Council Clarification Concerning Leaflet Entitled ‘Save Our Verges’

It has come to the Parish Council’s notice that a single page A5 sized leaflet entitled ‘Save Our Verges’ has been distributed recently in some parts of the Village. The leaflet invites residents with concerns about the use of privately owned land on the Congreves to register their concerns with the Parish Council.

This has led some residents to conclude mistakenly that the publication was issued by the Parish Council, that the Parish Council is itself involved in some form of campaign or survey, and even that public money (the Precept) has been spent for this purpose.

The Parish Council would like to make it quite clear to all residents that it had no part in the origination, production or distribution of this leaflet, is not conducting any kind of survey or campaign concerning verges, and has spent no precept monies to this end.

Use and development of privately owned land is governed by planning regulations administered and enforced by Leeds City Council, occasionally supplemented by legal covenants which, where applicable, are a matter of civil law and are not the prerogative of either the Parish Council or the City Council to enforce.

Bardsey Parish Council – Next Meeting now Wednesday 16th October 2019

Would all residents please note that for administrative reasons the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council has been changed. The meeting will now take place at 7:00pm on Wednesday 16th October 2019, and not on Wednesday 2nd October as planned, and as stated in Village News report.

The venue is unchanged and the Council will as usual meet in the Committee Room at the Village Hall.

Bardsey Horticultural Society Talk Friday 4th October 7.45pm Callister Hall, Bardsey

Firstly, many thanks to everyone who supported the Annual Show on Saturday 7th September, in particular the volunteers who turned out on the day to help with setting up and dismantling, and with the teas. The number of entrants was high, and the quality of the exhibits was as excellent as usual.

The Annual Show kicks off the new season in the society’s calendar, and our program of talks. This starts on Friday 4th October at 7.45pm in Callister Hall, with a talk entitled Scented pelargoniums by John and Gail Summerfield

All are welcome

New 20mph Speed Limits in Bardsey

Leeds City Council has embarked on a programme to introduce 20mph speed limits on most residential streets in the Unitary Authority Area, including those in the villages, by mid 2020. The declared objective is to make residential areas safer, especially for children, and improve amenity to encourage residents to walk or cycle.

Leeds recently published details of the intended new 20mph speed limits in Bardsey. For information these may be accessed using the links below. No start date for the implementation of the new speed limits has yet been set, but the completion date has been given as March 2020 latest.

Proposed 20mph Speed Limits – Bardsey Core

Proposed 20mph Speed Limits – Congreves