Village Survey

Bardsey Parish Council urgently needs your guidance to help us deliver for our community.

That’s why we are launching a new survey to establish how we can better communicate and better serve our residents. It is open to all residents of the parish, and we need every response we can muster.

Please note that responses must be received by 31st May 2022 to be included, after which results of anonymised analysis will be shared on this web site.

We would ask as many residents as possible to complete the survey online. This is more environmentally friendly and helps us a lot when it comes to analysing the results.

To complete the survey online, please use the direct link below to access the questionnaire on your PC.

If you do prefer to reply in hard copy this is also possible. Information and a questionnaire will be included as an insert in the forthcoming issue of Village News. You can also print further copies from the information link below. Please post completed questionnaires through the letter box at Callister Hall.

Please note that in all cases replies are needed to questions 1 and 2 to validate your response, since only current residents of Bardsey-cum-Rigton are eligible to participate. This information will only be used for this purpose, and will be treated in strictest confidence.

Please do let us have your views!

For further information and a questionnaire click on this link:

For direct access to the online survey click on this link:

Bardsey Parish Council may be contacted direct by email at the following address:

Time to Hedge Our Bets!

Spring is nearly with us! Always a cause for celebration after the dark days of winter. Even a few early daffodils are to be seen here and there. See if you can be the first to spot one in Bardsey!

With spring of course comes two uplifting natural events, especially in a rural area such as ours. Firstly, everything starts growing like mad. Secondly, the birds start building nests and laying their eggs.

The two together present us humans with a dilemma. The first sets us off pruning and cutting back, the second calls on us not to disturb the wildlife, and especially the birds, while they nest and raise their chicks. But it’s not yet too late to give the garden a trim (after checking for nests, of course).

There are a number of locations in the village where garden vegetation, especially hedges, is already encroaching onto footpaths and pavements. This creates hazards to pedestrians, especially those with push chairs, those in wheelchairs, or those with impaired mobility or vision. Often they may be forced out into roads to pass by, which is especially dangerous.

Residents with frontage onto footpaths or pavements are therefore kindly requested to cut back any such encroaching vegetation clear of pedestrian access, and to do so before the nesting season starts in earnest later this month.

With thanks in advance on behalf of all those who enjoy being out and about in our village, and our feathered friends too, all of whom will appreciate your consideration more than you will know.

Bardsey Parish Council

Church Lane Road Closures – February 2022

Leeds City Council Highways and Transportation will shortly be carrying out investigation works at Church Lane Bridge, near the junction with the A58 Wetherby Road. This is to assess the bridge structure for scour risk.

The works will comprise the drilling of boreholes through the structure, and is planned to commence on Monday 21st February 2022 and be completed by Thursday 24th February.

For safety reasons it will be necessary to close Church Lane at the bridge during working hours, which are 09:30 to 15:30 each day. A signed diversion route will be put in place.

For full details and a map of the diversion route please click on the link below:

Marie Curie’s Ever Popular Daffodil Appeal is Back, but they need your help!

End of life charity, Marie Curie, is urgently calling for volunteers in Yorkshire to give just two hours of their time to hand out the charity’s iconic daffodil pins in return for donations.

It’s not often you get the opportunity to wear a splendid hat like Ethan’s, either, so don’t miss out!

Amanda Warrent, Community Fundraiser said “We’re so excited that this year we’ll be dusting off our big yellow hats and getting back out there again to host our much-loved collections.”

“We can’t do this alone, though, so if you can help please sign up to a collection online by clicking on the link below:

Or alternatively contact Amanda by calling 07798 638122, or email her at:

New Hot Line to the Parish Council!

It has just become a whole lot easier and quicker to contact the Parish Council!

As part of its ongoing modernisation of IT systems, a new dedicated domain has been set up to handle email communications.

An important feature of the new system is an all new mailbox set up to receive email direct from residents. So if you need to contact the Council, just email:

and you will be straight through.

For specific and administrative matters you can also email our Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer direct at:

Bardsey Parish Council Welcomes New Clerk

Bardsey Parish Council welcomes Rebecca Crabtree to the team. Rebecca joins the Council in the role of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, following the recent retirement of Mrs June Gallant, and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role.

The Parish Council has recently introduced a new IT system and dedicated email addresses, and with immediate effect Rebecca may be contacted at:

or call her on 07860 875612

The Council wishes Rebecca every success in her new role, and looks forward to working with her to the continued benefit of our community.

Parish Council Retirement

Bardsey Parish Council has announced that Mrs June Gallant, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Council, retired from her post on 31st December after more than 30 years service.

The Parish Council expressed its deep appreciation for June’s outstanding contribution to both the Council and the community over so many years. As a mark of that appreciation the Council presented June with a painting of All Hallows Church, by well-known local artist Rachel McNaughton, together with a celebratory bottle of Champagne and a bouquet.

Presenting the gifts on behalf of the Council, Chair Ed Stentiford wished June a long and happy retirement on behalf of the council and the Village.

Urgent: December Parish Council Meeting Cancelled

In accordance with general advice from the National Association of Local Government (NALC), it has been decided not to hold the Parish Council meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday 15th December 2021. This is due to new Covid restrictions under ‘Plan B’, combined with the continuing legal obligation of local councils to hold in person meetings open freely to residents.

If you were planning to attend the meeting and/or have issues you would like to raise, please email us using the newly established email address for communications direct with Bardsey Parish Council:

We hope that any remaining ambiguities in the regulations will be resolved urgently, and that we will be in a position to meet in January.

Bardsey Parish Council apologises for any inconvenience cancellation of the meeting may cause. We would like to assure our residents that we are still fully operational, and will respond to communications as normal.

Finally we wish all our residents a safe and peaceful Christmas, and hope we may all look forward to a return to more normal circumstances during 2022.

Urgent – Parish Council Meeting Postponed

Due to unforeseen circumstances the Parish Council meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening, 20th October 2021, has had to be postponed at short notice.

The meeting will now take place in the Village Hall at 7:00pm on Wednesday 27th October 2021.

The Parish Council would like to apologise to residents for any inconvenience caused, and especially for the very short notice on this occasion. Unfortunately this decision was unavoidable.

Bardsey Sports Club Powers Ahead!

Bardsey Sports Club is once again forging ahead after the Covid 19 restrictions of 2020/21, and offers an increasing range of activities to help keep our community fit!

Organised sporting activities now include Cricket, Football, and most recently a thriving running club.

The Club also offers a convivial social environment with a sporty bar, car park, and a function room available for hire. Usual facilities, including disabled access, are also provided.

New members are always welcome, so if you are looking for exercise and the opportunity to play a range of popular sports why not become one of them!

For more information and to join the club, please contact Harwood at:

Mobile: 07932 567520