Spring is nearly with us! Always a cause for celebration after the dark days of winter. Even a few early daffodils are to be seen here and there. See if you can be the first to spot one in Bardsey!
With spring of course comes two uplifting natural events, especially in a rural area such as ours. Firstly, everything starts growing like mad. Secondly, the birds start building nests and laying their eggs.
The two together present us humans with a dilemma. The first sets us off pruning and cutting back, the second calls on us not to disturb the wildlife, and especially the birds, while they nest and raise their chicks. But it’s not yet too late to give the garden a trim (after checking for nests, of course).
There are a number of locations in the village where garden vegetation, especially hedges, is already encroaching onto footpaths and pavements. This creates hazards to pedestrians, especially those with push chairs, those in wheelchairs, or those with impaired mobility or vision. Often they may be forced out into roads to pass by, which is especially dangerous.
Residents with frontage onto footpaths or pavements are therefore kindly requested to cut back any such encroaching vegetation clear of pedestrian access, and to do so before the nesting season starts in earnest later this month.
With thanks in advance on behalf of all those who enjoy being out and about in our village, and our feathered friends too, all of whom will appreciate your consideration more than you will know.
Bardsey Parish Council