Covid 19: Sources of Current Information

Developments since the relaxation of lockdown on 4th July have progressed apace, and, with new partial lockdown regulations now being reintroduced and extended, have become increasingly more frequent and more complex.

For this reason please note that Bardsey Parish Council is no longer attempting to post latest information on this web site, because it is difficult to ensure that such posts continue to represent the latest position in real time.

Residents seeking latest information and advice on Covid 19 related issues, both locally and nationally, are advised to visit the appropriate pages on the Government web site, the Leeds City Council web site, and the NHS web site using the links provided below:


Leeds City Council:


Parish Council Meetings

Please note that during the continuation of Covid 19 restrictions Bardsey cum Rigton Parish Council will hold virtual meetings using the Zoom platform.

Agendas and minutes for past meetings, and agendas for forthcoming meetings, may be viewed on the ‘Council Proceedings’ page of this web site – click on the link to the top left of the home page.

Residents who wish to raise issues with the Parish Council may do so in advance by email, addressed to the Clerk to the Council Mrs June Gallant:

Residents who wish to attend a virtual meeting and/or address the Residents Forum at the start of proceedings may do so by copying the link at the end of the agenda into their browsers when the meeting is due to start.

Bardsey Sports Club – Covid 19 Update

There have been a number of rumours circulating in the village over the last few days concerning reports of an outbreak of Covid 19 at Bardsey Sports Club. Bardsey Parish Council, together with the Sports Club Committee, would like to clarify the current situation as follows:

Following a cricket match at the Sports Club on Saturday 22nd August, a small number of those associated with the match have tested positive for Covid 19. None of these people have needed hospital treatment, and indeed two of them have showed no symptoms at all.

Test and trace procedures were activated as soon as the first positive results became known, and as a result several more people are now in voluntary self-isolation. The club house was closed temporarily for deep cleaning. Deep cleaning has been arranged for early next week, and the club house will be reopened as soon as it is safe to do so.

Due to the prompt implementation of appropriate measures, it is not believed that there is a wider threat to the community. Further updates will follow as soon as there is news to report.

Village News is Back!

Bardsey and East Keswick Parish has recently announced the relaunch of Village News in virtual form on their website. You may well have received notification in the form of a short typewritten note.

For those who have not yet ventured onto the web site, it is well worth the visit. The editorial team have done a super job on the design and presentation, and the new web format has allowed both full colour production and an extended publication.

If you have not seen the August issue yet it is well worth a visit – you won’t fail to be impressed! Click on the link below, scroll down to Village News and click on the cover page.

Bardsey Playground – Latest Update

The Government announced last week that outdoor facilities, including children’s play areas and adult gym equipment, would be allowed to reopen in England from 4th July 2020.

Such facilities still represent a relatively high risk of transmitting the Covid 19 virus if it is present, however, due to the unavoidable high level of communal tactile contact with surfaces. Because of this, measures have to be in place to mitigate the risk – notably the provision of clear and adequate signage. This in turn requires risk assessments to be conducted, and then suitable signage to be designed, printed and installed.

This process is well underway, but requires access to professional resources and expertise. Bardsey Parish Council takes the safety of its residents very seriously, and is taking its lead from Leeds City Council which is better resourced. Both parties are in uncharted waters, however, and neither is yet satisfied that it has met the stringent guidelines, only issued last week, which will allow its playgrounds to reopen.

Please note therefore that the Bardsey playground remains closed temporarily, until these issues can be resolved.

Bardsey Parish Council thanks its residents for their patience and understanding, and will be reopening the playground as soon as it is possible to do so safely.

Hedge Control

Bardsey Parish Council is receiving an increasing number of representations from residents concerning rapidly growing hedges overhanging pavements and footpaths in several locations in the village.

This becomes a safety hazard when people are forced in to the road to pass overgrown hedges, as is the case at the moment, but is a particularly serious risk to those with push chairs, those in wheelchairs, or those with impaired mobility or vision. It comes at a particularly difficult time for us all, when usage of the various footways is high and we have the additional requirement to socially distance when passing.

Residents with hedges fronting pavements and footpaths are therefore kindly requested to check urgently to see if they are encroaching into space intended for pedestrians, and if so, after checking for nesting birds, to trim them back clear of the footways.

With thanks, Bardsey Parish Council

Mission Allotment is go!

Parish Councillors have observed that two of the village’s allotments, situated off Woodacre Lane, are in a very neglected state and clearly not being cultivated. This is not good use of this valuable village asset, nor fair to those residents waiting to rent an allotment and keen to make best use of the land.

Responsibility for the management of the allotments currently rests with Leeds City Council, but LCC is willing to transfer that responsibility to Bardsey Parish Council, and the Parish Council is willing to take it on.

Bardsey Parish Council resolved at its virtual meeting held on 17th June to expedite the matter with LCC, and in the temporary absence of Village News (due to the Covid 19 pandemic) hereby gives notice that it intends to assume responsibility for the allotments as soon as practicable.

Rare and Exotic Asian Visitor Spied on Compton Lane!

Exciting news for those of us fond of our feathered friends comes with the authenticated sighting of a Rose Coloured Starling spotted on Compton Lane in the last 48 hours.

The stunning bird, a different specimen of which is illustrated below, has attracted many enthusiasts and been observed and photographed in a copse adjacent to open fields. All the way from Asia it is incredibly rare in the UK, with only 15 previous sightings!

The theory is that the bird in question, whose normal habitat is the Southern Caucuses, took advantage of a feeding frenzy on locusts in Armenia which provided it with the energy to continue all the way to Bardsey. And who could blame it? What better place for a peaceful and summer holiday in beautiful Yorkshire countryside!

Bardsey Playground

Please note that recent limited relaxation of some Covid 19 lock down restrictions does not apply to children’s’ playgrounds.

In accordance with updated Government and LCC guidelines, playgrounds have to remain closed at present due to the increased risk of infection via unavoidable contact with surfaces and play equipment, and the difficulty of maintaining social distancing in a playground environment.

Bardsey playground therefore remains closed until such time as these restrictions can be safely removed.

Urgent Update – Recycling Sites and Garden Waste Collections!

There has been more news from Leeds City Council concerning local waste and recycling services in the last 48 hours, and it is all good!

1) Recycling Site – Wetherby (Thorpe Arch). LCC has notified today that the recycling site at Thorpe Arch will reopen on Monday 18th May. It will be subject to the same rules as other sites, so will be accepting essential items only and you will need to pre-book your visit on-line, to allow safe social distancing. For full details click on the following link:

2) Garden waste collections will recommence on Monday 25th May. Note, however, that the schedules will be changing, and your brown bin may in future be emptied on a different day of the week. LCC will be sending a letter to residents shortly with details of the new schedules. In the meantime more information is available by clicking on the following link:

3) Collections of bulky items are to resume from Monday 18th May. Note that, as previously, you will still need to contact Leeds City Council to arrange such collections on an ad hoc basis.

Happy Recycling!