Covid 19 – NewRules for Staying at Home and Social Distancing

New measures have now been taken by Government to slow the spread of the Covid 19 virus, to protect our vital NHS, and to save lives in the face of the worst global pandemic for 100 years. For details of the new rules please click on this link:

Please note, the importance of observing the new guidelines cannot be exaggerated. To succeed in slowing the spread of the virus we must all play our part. If we do not slow the spread of the virus, our NHS and other services run a high risk of being overwhelmed within very few weeks. We can do it, but only if we all pull together.

Covid 19 – Latest

Our community is facing what may be the most serious crisis since the Second World War. Fortunately in our village it is times like these that bring out the best in us. It has been heartwarming to see the reaction on the part of our residents, and to receive so many offers of help in supporting the most vulnerable during the Covid-19 outbreak. 

A new page has been added to this web site which will carry updated information for local residents as events unfold. For those of you who want to help, it also contains details of how to volunteer, and links to other relevant information. To access this page go to the navigation menu in green at the top left hand corner of your screen, and click on the first item.

Most of all, your Parish Council would urge community spirit and good neighbourliness during these difficult times. Unfortunately popping round to friends and neighbours is not to be encouraged, but imagine the value of a phone call, an internet video call, or a little carefully managed support from a concerned and caring neighbour who wants to make sure everything is OK.

Bardsey Beer Festival Postponed

The organisers of Bardsey Beer Festival are sorry to have to announce the postponement of this event until September 2020, due entirely to the Covid 19 outbreak and recent Government advice. This also applies to the Friday Night is Party Night event in association with Bardsey School. Watch this space for details of the re-organised Beer Festival in due course.

Bardsey Horticultural Society – Cancellation of Coming Events

It is with great regret that due to the latest government advice calling for social distancing to combat the spread of Corona virus, the following events have been cancelled:

1) Final talk of the current season entitled “All I wanted to do is grow plants” by Stella Exley, due to be held at Bardsey Village Hall on Friday 3rd April starting at 7.45pm.

2) The plant sale which was due to be held on Saturday 16th May at Bardsey Village Hall is also cancelled this year.

We hope you will continue to give us your support at future events when things return to normal.

Bardsey Horticultural Society Plant Sale Appeal

We are fast approaching the time of year when thoughts turn to our gardens, and sowing seeds for the new season ahead.

Bardsey Horticultural Society asks all keen gardeners to spare a thought for the BHS local plant sale when browsing the racks of seeds at the local nursery or DIY shop, and to pop a pack in their basket to grow and donate to the Plant Sale. The Plant Sale will be held on 15th May 2020, with all funds raised going towards running the Village Show in September. Vegetable seedlings are particularly needed. Your support will be very much appreciated.

Thank You

Fly Tipping

Unfortunately there has been a noticeable increase in instances of fly tipping in Leeds generally, and Bardsey has not been spared this unwelcome, unsightly and potentially hazardous activity. Fly tipping is a criminal offence, and Leeds City Council is taking measures to crack down on perpetrators. You may see new hard-hitting posters in locations where fly tipping is a recognised problem, and you can view an example by clicking on the link below. If caught offenders can expect the full force of the law. Bardsey Parish Council is fully support of this initiative, and encourages any residents who may have information to come forward, and to help stamp out this anti-social behaviour.

LCC Fly Tipping A4 Poster

Cinema Night – 7:00pm for 7:30pm, Friday 17th January at Bardsey Village Hall

A call to all you film buffs! On Friday 17th January there will be a showing of ‘Fisherman’s Friends’ (rated 12A) at Bardsey Village Hall, with supper included. At only £8 per ticket for adults and £4 for kids it just has to be the best cinematic value of the new decade, so don’t miss out! Please book early to avoid disappointment – we must know numbers in advance for catering purposes. Just click on the link below for details and give us a call.

Cinema Night – Monday 27th January

Yorkshire Dales and Rivers Trust Presentation and Drop In, Monday 27th January 2020 at 6:30pm

The Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust are giving a talk on flood flow pathways, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) & Natural Flood Management (NFM), as part of the ongoing Wharfedale Connecting Communities Project. They are looking to draw upon the knowledge of residents of Scarcroft, Collingham, Bardsey, East Keswick and Thorner on local flow pathways.

The event will take place from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Monday 27th January at The Milk Churn, Scarcroft, LS14 3HQ

To view YDRT’s flyer please click on the link below. For further information about the event please email Conor Scholey, Assistant Project Officer:

YDRT Presentation and Drop-in Event 27th Jan 2020