Bardsey Defibrillators

Bardsey has two defibrillators – one at the Village Hall and one at the Sports Club – both of them are registered on the national database know as ‘The Circuit’.

The Parish Council check that these are emergency ready every 2 weeks or so. In the meantime, if someone calls 999 for details of how to get into the defibrillator safety cabinet – the 999 operator assumes it will be used and takes the defibrillator off the national register. This generates an email to the Parish Councillor responsible for looking after the defibrillators to tell us it is out of service. We then check the unit concerned and in most cases we find the defibrillator in place and fully functional. We then update the national register (The Circuit) to say that the defibrillator is emergency ready and it is put back on the system. It will then appear once again on the 999 operator’s ‘available’ list if someone requests its use.

The Parish Council, for confidentiality reasons, does not get any further information from the emergency services about the circumstances of the request we just go and check the defibrillator and make sure that it is available for use again as soon as possible.

Village Meeting Place

Recent visitors to Bardsey Playground will have noticed the newly installed Pavilion. This Pavilion is a result of the Village Survey in 2022 undertaken by Bardsey Parish Council and residents requesting a local meeting place. Thanks to Cllr Osborne who has led this project on behalf of Bardsey Parish Council and also to Ward Councillor Ryan Stephenson and the Emmerdale S106 Panel for contributing half of the funding. The table tennis table, formally located on the site, is in the process of being moved to a new location near the adult fitness equipment.

Bardsey Parish Walks

These take place once a year in order to explore the boundaries of our Parish and ensure that the footpaths are well used.

The first walk covering the east side of the Village will commence at 2pm on Saturday 15th June

The second walk covering the west side will begin at 2pm on Saturday 29th June

Please meet at the bottom of Mill Lane for both walks which will be led by Councillor Linda Flockton

Do come along and join us and meet some of your Parish Councillors and make new friends on a pleasant walk, which should take approximately 2 hours. Boots or strong shoes are recommended. Children and dogs are welcome. However, the walks are not suitable for pushchairs.

April Parish Council Meeting

Please note the April Parish Council Meeting will now take place at 8 pm on Wednesday 24th April in Bardsey Village Hall. It will follow the Annual Parish Meeting which will take place at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Everyone welcome.

Bardsey Parish Walks

These walks take place once a year in order to explore the boundaries of our Parish and ensure that the footpaths are well used.

The first Parish Walk on the east side of the Village will begin at 2pm on Saturday 22nd July

The second Parish Walk on the west side of the Village will take place from 2pm on Saturday 5th August

Do come along and join us and meet some of your Parish Councillors and make new friends on a pleasant walk, which should take approximately 2 hours. Boots or strong shoes are recommended and dogs are welcome.

Please meet at the bottom of Mill Lane at 2pm for both walks which will be led by Cllr Linda Flockton

Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer Vacancy

Bardsey cum Rigton Parish Council is an active Council in this most attractive parish in West Yorkshire. Due to retirement a vacancy has arisen for a highly motivated, enthusiastic person to take on the role of Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).

The post is part time, negotiable around the current commitment of 15 hours per week. Working mainly from home, the hours of work are mostly flexible, but the candidate will be expected to attend scheduled Council meetings. These normally take place starting at 7:00pm on the third Wednesday of each month, or by arrangement if this is not achievable.

Duties will include acting as advisor to the Council, minute taking, and compilation of correspondence, filing, and financial accounting as the Council’s RFO. The ability to store Council office equipment, files and records securely at the candidate’s home address is essential. Candidates must be IT literate, but required computer equipment and software will be supplied by the Council.

Ideally the successful candidate will hold a relevant CiLCA qualification and offer experience in a similar role, but training in all aspects of local government administration, leading to CiLCA qualifications, can be provided if required. Bardsey is a small community and the majority of the Council’s work and responsibility involves local issues, so local knowledge and contacts would be a major advantage.

Salary will be based on the National Association of Local Councils pay scale, and will be dependent upon hours, qualifications and experience.

The Council hopes to make an appointment as soon as possible to allow for full briefing, handover and transference of records etc. from the retiring Parish Clerk.

Please send your application to Professor Ed Stentiford, Chairman of the Parish Council, at Netherfield, Mill Lane, Bardsey, Leeds, LS17 9AN. Alternatively please email or call the Chairman 0n 07801865607.

The closing date for applications is 28th October 2022.

Leeds Festival 2022

The Festival Republics Traffic Management Plan, which contains all maps of festival strategic routes and resident diversion routes can be found below.

For further information about Leeds Festival please visit:

Leeds City Councils Out of Hours noise number is 0113 376 0337 (5pm to 3:30am)

Alternatively residents can contact the Festival Republic noise line:  01937 541332