Some of the older and more long standing residents of our village may remember Tom (Thomas Gordon) Willans (see Archive section). Tom was a true ‘gent’, a centenarian and passionate about Bardsey.  Indeed the Parish Council some years ago were fortunate in enabling the acquisition of the plot of land at the junction of Wood Lane and the A58, subsequently named Willans Wood in permanent memory of Tom.

Earlier this year the Parish Council were contacted by a Mr Jos Punie who resides in Wintershoven Belgium. Jos was enquiring if the Parish Council were aware of a contact detail for a Willans descendant. It transpired that Tom and his wife Edith’s son Sgt. Alec Gordon Willans was a Co Navigator member of the crew of a Wellington Bomber no BJ606 PH-S  which crashed during World War 2 operations over Wintershoven, now a suburb of the municipality of Kortessem-Belgium.

All crew members including Alec Willans tragically perished in this crash.

Jos was keen to make contact with the Willans family to invite them to the 75th anniversary of the incident at which a commemoration would be held together with the unveiling of a stone plaque to mark the Wintershoven’s respect for the sad loss of the air crew and their undoubted courage.

Whilst the Parish Council were able to provide Jos with details of the last contact, regrettably his   communications drew a blank.

The Parish Council have now been contacted again by Jos who kindly provided photographs recording the commemoration ceremony see below.

On behalf of the Village the Parish Council wish to express their thanks to Jos and his colleagues both for making not only this permanent tribute to the brave souls of bomber no BJ606 PH-S but also by doing so keeping the good name of Willans ‘alive’ for ever!

Tom would be might proud of this heartfelt tribute by the folks of Wintershoven.

Photos of the ceremony are as below:-

From left to right: Colonel Bijnens from the Belgian Air Force, Tom Thijsen (Wintershoven’s  Mayor), Ils Camps (master of ceremony), husband and daughter from the Australian Ambassador, Ms Caroline Millar, Ms Millar herself and SLt Fred Warren-Smith als representative from the British embassy.

On this picture you can see Nicky Cooper, grand niece of co-pilot  Jack Johannesen and Jos, during the unveiling of the memorial.

The local brass band.

The Last Post, during the unveiling.

The memoriam

The plaque inscription.

October 2017.

BARDSEY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TALK Bumby Hall Gardens, past , present and future Fri. 3rd NOV 7.45pm Callister Hall

Bardsey Horticultural Society Talk
Bumby Hall Gardens, past , present and future
Friday 3rd November 7.45pm
Callister Hall, Bardsey

Our winter program of fascinating talks continues with a talk by Rachel Mort on the gardens at Bumby Hall near Pocklington, it’s past history, the present and what to look forward to in the future. Come along and find out more before visiting this award winning jewel in the Yorkshire gardens collection.All welcome.

The talk begins at 7.45pm on Friday 3rd November in Calister Hall, Woodacre Lane, Bardsey.


Bardsey Parish Council and its Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have great pleasure in announcing that the results of the Referendum held on 12th October 2017 on the Bardsey-cum-Rigton Neighbourhood Plan showed a resounding ‘Yes’ vote in favour of the Plan being used in the determination of planning applications in the Bardsey-cum-Rigton Neighbourhood Area.

794 votes were cast, with a total of 745 in favour and just 49 against i.e. a total of 93.82% voting ‘Yes’. It will be recalled that for a Neighbourhood Plan to receive formalisation a vote of over 50% was required. The 794 votes cast represent a significant turnout of 40.12%. This level of turnout compares favourably to an average of 32.9% of recent LCC Neighbourhood Plan Referendums. This average is derived from a minimum of 21.9% to a maximum of 48.66%  and based on six polls.


Leeds City Council will now prepare a Decision Statement as stipulated by Regulation 19 ‘Decision on a plan proposal’ of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 which will detail the formal making of the Plan.

Due to a recent update to the Neighbourhood Planning Act it is important to note that as soon as a Plan has received approval by Referendum, it is considered made and part of the development plan for the area even if the Council has not yet made the plan.

Bardsey Parish Council would like to take this opportunity of thanking all Villagers who have contributed magnificently with their valued input into the arduous process of consultation over the years and to all those who voted on the 12th October.

To view the actual LCC ‘Declaration of Result of Poll’ notice please click on the link below.

Declaration of result – Bardsey cum Rigton


Bardsey Horticultural Society Talk

Friday 6th October 7.45pm

Callister Hall, Bardsey

Many thanks to everyone who supported the Annual Show on Saturday 2nd September. The number of people entering the show was up on the previous year and  the quality of the exhibits was as high as usual. This successful event kicks off the start of the new season in the society’s calendar and our program of talks which starts on Friday 6th October at 7.45pm in Callister Hall with a talk entitled Perennials for pleasure by Pat Hutchinson.

 All are welcome










Leeds City Council have advised the Parish Council on the 16th August 17, that the date of 12th October 2017 has been set for the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. The Steering Group will be meeting later in August to establish the procedure which LCC will be invoking for publishing the details of the Referendum. For more information please continue to refer to the Neighbourhood Plan section of this web site which will be populated as soon as more details are known.


Come and join us on SATURDAY 25th MARCH. From 12noon – 9pm at Bardsey Village Hall. Beers and ciders. By popular request-Prosecco Bar. Dance/to ‘THIS WAY IS UP’ from 6.30pm. By popular request – Prosecco Bar. £5 entry including commemorative glass,programme. In aid of the Village Hall Fund.


Talk at the Bardsey Village Hall Friday 7th April 2017 at 7.45. “How women stepped into men’s shoes to keep the Home fires burning.

Wendy Taylor will be bringing her grandmother’s WW1 Land Army breeches and other artefacts from WW1 to support her talk about digging for victory, and growing food and crops to help feed the British population. Women were involved in agriculture and horticulture due to the men going to fight in the forces thus the Land Army was as vital in the WW1 as well as WW2. Wendy s talk will also touch on new horticultural practices of that time.

All are welcome including non members for a small fee.


A meeting to discuss the outline planning application from Bramham Estates for the land between the Drive and the Congreves will take place in Bardsey Village Hall on Wednesday 1st March starting at 7pm. The meeting will be led by the Ward Councillors supported by the Parish Council and Bardsey Action Group (BAG). The intention is to update residents on the content of the application and to inform them of their involvement in the process.