Annual Parish Meeting – Join the Meeting On-Line Wednesday 21st April 2021 at 7:00pm

This last year has probably been the most difficult and challenging that most, if not all of us, can remember. We have all been affected by the pandemic in different though profound ways, and your Parish Council as a body, and its members individually, have been no exception.

Our 2020 Annual Parish Meeting had to be postponed and subsequently cancelled during the first lockdown, so it is high time we reported back to you, our residents.

We are still unable to hold our usual APM at the Village Hall, however, and so have opted to hold a virtual Zoom meeting instead. All residents of Bardsey cum Rigton are invited. This meeting will take place at 7:00pm on Wednesday 21st April 2021, and all are welcome.

For a copy of the calling notice and an agenda, including the necessary link for the Zoom meeting, please click on the links below or email Bardsey Parish Council encourages as many residents as possible to attend and looks forward to welcoming you.

Bardsey and East Keswick Running Club

If you need some fun exercise with like minded enthusiasts, here is some welcome news! Former members of the Fit and Fun club have come together to start a new running club for Bardsey and East Keswick. The club’s season starts on 31st March, and it meets at 7:00pm on Wednesday evenings at Bardsey Sports Club (Covid restrictions permitting).

For further information please click on the link below, and to contact the club visit the Bardsey and East Keswick Running Club page on Facebook.

Top Priority! Covid 19 vaccinations for the over 60 cohort are go!

With the outstanding progress being made in vaccinating Yorkshire residents against Covid 19, eligibility for vaccination has just been extended to the over 60s.

If you are 60 years old or older, you can now book a vaccination appointment online by clicking on the following link and following the simple procedure:

If you go online and find the site is still showing the age limit to be over 65 don’t be put off. The site may not have been updated yet, but Leeds City Council advise that it will still accept over 60s in this area, and there are plenty of appointments available.

So don’t delay! The vital importance of being vaccinated, protecting yourself and others, cannot be overstated.

Brown Bin Collections

Brown bin collections were due to recommence on 8th March, but please note that due to continuing staff shortages and the need to prioritise black and green bins, Leeds City Council has advised that this has had to be postponed to 22nd March.

Collections will continue for an extra two weeks at the end of the season, however.

Watch Out – More Covid 19 Scams!

It is unfortunate that a cohort of particularly callous criminals continues to try and take advantage as the vaccination programme accelerates. Please take a few moments to read this post and take careful note:

The vaccine is free of charge. At no point will you be asked to pay, or be asked for your bank account or card details, or your PIN. The NHS will never arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine, or ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents such as your passport, driving licence, bills or pay slips.

If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you are suspicious about an email you have received, forward it to Suspicious text messages should be forwarded to the number 7726 which is free of charge. If you believe you are the victim of a fraud, please report this to Action Fraud as soon as possible by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting 

There have been a few reports this week of people receiving scam emails from addresses which initially look plausable, such as NHS Notifications, and NHS e-Referral Service. Any such emails are best ignored and forwarded as above, or use the advice on the website link above for actionfraud.

Stay safe – from the crooks as well as the virus!

West Yorkshire Police Community Alert Scheme

We can all do our bit to counter crime in our locality, and with today’s communications it becomes ever easier.

If you were advised when crimes were committed, perhaps you might have seen something which could help bring the perpetrators to justice. You would also be more aware of latest criminal activity and scams, and be best able to take suitable precautions.

West Yorkshire Police run an on-line scheme to help you do exactly that. It is called the Community Alert Scheme and anyone can join, absolutely free. All you have to do is click on the link below and follow some simple instructions.

The more of us who join the more difficult life becomes for the criminals, so get clicking!

Parish Council Vacancy

A vacancy has recently arisen on Bardsey cum Rigton Parish Council, and the Council would be keen to hear from residents interested in serving the local community in this role. The Council is primarily involved in administering and maintaining local facilities, much of which is green space but also includes amenities such as the playground. The Council also takes up the concerns of residents, and liaises with Leeds City Council on issues such as highway maintenance and planning.

The Parish Council meets one evening every month (using Zoom at present, but usually at the Village Hall), and being a Parish Councillor normally entails a modest commitment of approximately 60 hours per year. For more information please click on the link below. Interested residents are asked to contact Mrs June Gallant, Clerk to the Council, using the contact details provided, or email, or speak to any serving Councillor.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Latest Covid 19 Developments

Following the introduction of a new national lockdown due to the rapid increase in Covid 19 infections, please note an update has been added to the Covid 19 page of this website. To access the page click on the Covid 19 – Latest tab at top left of the screen.

Due to the breadth, complexity and pace of change in current regulations, we have where possible provided links to key Government, NHS and Leeds City Council web sites. This offers the best route to ensure access to the most comprehensive, up to date and accurate information.

In particular, please see the section concerning new scams based on the launch of Covid 19 vaccines, and be warned of the considerable dangers these criminals present. It has been reported that some sound very plausable and even claim to be from the NHS. If approached by anyone claiming to offer vaccination for payment, either on the phone or at your door, never agree and never provide credit card or personal details. All NHS vaccinations are free of charge, and the NHS will never ask for payment or personal information in return for immediate vaccination.

BBC Seeks Participants for Exciting New Food Show!

It’s not often we can offer our residents the chance to become TV personalities! But that is the message we recently received from the BBC, which is casting Leeds families for a new food based TV show which will focus on eating well, saving money and wasting less.

So if You and Yours fancy working with well known presenters and celebrity chefs, not to mention appearing on prime time TV, All you have to do to enquire about getting involved is email and a member of the casting team will get back to you with some quick and easy questions and some more information.

In the meantime you can click on the following link to view the associated BBC Flyer:

Parish Reverse Advent Calendar Scheme

With the season of goodwill rapidly approaching, our vicar Angela Hannefin is asking for our help and support in assisting those in greatest need this Christmas, through the St Aiden’s Food Share Programme.

It’s very simple to participate – it’s just that unlike a conventional advent calendar, instead of opening a window and receiving a token gift each day you donate a small gift instead! Angela has even prepared a list of suggestions, one for each day in December up to Christamas Eve.

Our support is particularly needed this year given the hardship created by Covid 19, so why not sign up and bring a little Christmas cheer to someone in need. For full details click on the following link:

For more information about St Aiden’s Food Share you can visit their website by clicking on the following link: